Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Summer is in full speed

Well Summer is in full speed at the Smith household!

Carsyn just completed her two week swimming lessons. It was every day for 45 min for two weeks. The first day she was the only one who didn't cry. The next day it rained. The next day they all were screaming crying! The next day a little less crying. The next day was the day the parents were supposed to watch and take pictures. She threw an absolute fit so I had to leave and then she stopped and swam happily. Week two went much better. She still protested every day but once she arrived she did great! We missed our last class due to a spur of the moment out of town visit, but I took her swimming that day with me and she almost frightened me she was so confident in her swimming skills. She would leap out of my arms go under and stay for atleast a minute. I almost had a heart attack! But she loved it! I didn't expect a 2 yr old to be able to swim on her own after this class but I definitely believe she is over any fear or hesitation about the water. And she loves to FLOAT! Not so much go under water because she gets water in her eyes, but neither do I- who wants to get water in their eyes!
So the reason we missed the last day of swim (which I hated to do) was because we went down to Bay St. Louis to visit my dad spur of the moment. I am not good with spontaneous events and I debated heavily about going but I decided to throw schedules to the wind and see what happened! Well we did not have our usual house to stay in as it had someone in it, so we were going to get a hotel room at the Hollywood Casino. When my dad went to get the room they were booked! Really?! Hollywood Casino in Bay St. Louis is booked?! So we decided after dinner we would just drive back the 2hrs and Carsyn could sleep on the way.
Well she passed out in the car on the way down at a much earlier time than her normal nap and took about a 50 min cat nap. Then Danny left to fish with my dad and she and I went swimming at the community pool and then walked along the Bay St.Louis beach. She was not a big fan of the surf but she did enjoy collecting her first sea shells! Then we had our first snocone and went back the house to hang out until my dad and danny arrived home. We didn't get to the resturant for dinner until 8:40 and they didn't bring our meal until 9:15!!!!! Gold stars for me for not freaking out or getting agitated! Then we left at 10 only to come to a dead stand still on I12 30min up the road!! Carsyn did sleep the entire way home but when we got home at 12:15 she woke up and I had to get her back to sleep. Everyone slept until 8 the next morning!!! Phew! How is that for spontaneous?! See why I am not such a big fan?
Mother's Morning Out ended last week and now its just me and Belle for the rest of the summer! Although this week she and I and Nonny are heading to Gulf Shores (despite the oil) for my beach portraits. With the reaction Carsyn had to the MS beach Im not so sure she is going to like the AL beach any better!
Full speed ahead!

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