So we returned from our trip to the Miss Coast on Saturday afternoon. Between the dog having an anxiety attack in the car, the baby screaming, and the lack of sleep I seriously almost jumped out into traffic in the middle of Delaware Ave to get out of that car BUT the beginning of the trip was nice! HA!
We departed late Thursday afternoon and stopped in Hattiesburg to have dinner with my mom. My reasons were as follows- Break-up the 2 hr trip in the car with my lovely baby, Visit with my mom, let Carsyn fall asleep in the car and transport her into the packnplay for a change to see how that worked.
All of the above was a success. We stopped in Hburg and ate at Outback and then headed on to Pass Christian. I had to get in the back seat to sing Carsyn to sleep but she passed out about 30 min before we arrived at the beach house. I ran upstairs when we arrived and cut the air down and set up the packnplay. She awoke a tad but easily went back to sleep..............AND...................she did not wake up until 6:30 PEOPLE! Not a peep! Of course I still didn't sleep well because I think I was half awake awaiting the first awakening. If you aren't familiar with this blog just know that we have NEVER EVER EVER traveled somewhere and she not wake up atleast 2-3 times if not every hour. I COULD NOT BELIEVE IT! And she was such an angel baby all day on Friday. We met my bestest buddy from college, Ashley, for lunch in Bay St. Louis. I had not seen the Bay since the hurricane and I wanted to see what renovations had taken place. It is really starting to look nice! I was so happy for the Bay residents. We ate lunch in a little place that is an art gallery/boutique with all handmade items from locals. They serve lunch and have tables placed throughout the store. It was cute. Carsyn was very good...what with all of the breakables and such. Then she fell asleep on the way back over to the Pass and easily transported up to bed. She took her regular 1hr plus nap and then we headed over to the pool. The heat and humidity were INSANE and not surprisingly we were the only ones in the pool! We headed back to the house and Nonny and Aunt Jan stopped by for a brief visit. Then we waited for Danny and my dad to return from fishing. They had left at 5AM to go fishing. Every time my husband goes fishing with my dad they never really have a successful trip but since they arrived home 3 hours late I was happy to see their ice chests filled with some of the biggest red snapper I have ever seen caught on a fishing rod. We had to change our dinner plans since it was so late but the alternate which was Tripanni's was just as good! Carsyn got to bed pretty late and was so wound up that I could not get her to bed.
Finally at 9:30 I got her down which is where our story takes a turn for the worse. She awoke at 1AM and did not go back to sleep until sometime after 2. She screamed off and on the entire hour or so. I could not calm her down. I put her in the bed with Danny and me and she tossed and turned and flipped for almost an hour. It was almost like convulsions. Then at 5:15 she woke again screaming bloody murder. Pointing at the ceiling and lights and only God knows what. I was able to keep her in the bed until 6 and finally I gave up. Up until this point I was thinking maybe just maybe we have reached a new phase and we might actually get to venture on some trips without the constant fear of lack of sleep. Anyway, we had brought my 9 yr old cousin Olympia with us and thankfully Carsyn played with her so I could lay on the couch a little while longer. Long story short the little Belle was exhausted all day and extremely difficult. I also was a zombie come 2pm. After a short power nap though I was on entertainment duty as now I had 2 children to play with. We headed over to the splash pad for a bit and then after dinner I passed out shortly after Carsyn went to bed. Poor Olympia probably wished she had stayed at home.
So at least most of our trip was enjoyable. I knew the all night sleeping was too good to be true. I just don't understand how come once she is in the bed with her parents she doesn't just go back to sleep and STAY asleep!
I will do a separate blog about Olympia's visit to Mccomb when she leaves on Tuesday. It seems my computer time has been cut even shorter with 2 children in tow. Yep I definitely think Danny and I have decided one child is plenty for us.